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Call tracking and analytics in Teamsale CRM

Collecting and working with analytics is a very important aspect of successful sales. You need to constantly monitor the dynamics and be able to track performance both in the moment and over a period of time. In this article, we will discuss how you can keep track of your business goals and how call tracking can help you do this.

What metrics should be monitored?

It is worth noting right away that sales are directly related to the quality of the contact centre. Therefore, it is very important to keep track of the number of calls received by the operators and the final conversion of leads into customers.

It will also be important to calculate the deals conversion rate. Specifically, analyse the path through the sales funnel. If a large number of users "drop out" at any step, this means that changes need to be made at that point.

Other valid metrics would be overall task and plan completion for managers.

Fortunately, you can keep track of all this with a single tool - Teasmsale CRM. But first of all, it's worth talking about an additional feature that will significantly expand your analytics capabilities: call tracking.

What is call-tracking and how does it help analytics?

Call tracking is a special tool that can be used to monitor the effectiveness of advertising sources. There are two types of system: static and dynamic. The first simply uses a separate phone number for each source and it is detected automatically when you call. In the second case, the number will dynamically change and it will be different for each user. This allows the behaviour of each user to be tracked in detail.

To answer the original question: call tracking greatly assists in the analysis of advertising performance (e.g. it makes it easy to determine the cost of a lead) and simplifies the calculation of the cost of a transaction. The latter is possible because each customer (lead) is assigned a source tag and it can be seen at the end of the deal as well.

And now we can move on to examining the CRM system and what data can be viewed in it.

Analytics in Teamsale CRM.

First, click on the menu item "Analytics". In the column on the left you can set filters for displaying information: select the period for which you want to view metrics and employees.

On the right, you will find the data itself, which is grouped into tabs:

  • in the "Deals" tab, you can clearly assess the conversion rate as you go through the sales funnel;
  • on the "Calls" page, you can estimate the volume of calls for the period you have specified and the ratio of each employee's calls;
  • “Sources" displays the tags set in the customer card and call tracking;
  • “Leads" show their total number (as well as a breakdown by operator) and source (where it came from);
  • the "Customers" tab shows the number of customers during the reference period and the share of each operator;
  • The "Tasks" page contains information on individual employee tasks and an overall summary of the number of tasks;
  • "Teams" displays transaction statistics for the whole team in general and for each manager in particular.

The analytics system works automatically. No additional settings (other than call tracking, if needed) are required.

And the information in Teamsale CRM will help you build your business strategy by tracking and monitoring your performance.

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